Words related to category: Ts-M6 Transfer of goods Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
aksya'ansk savings | daala money/dollar | doox buy | gwaask borrow | gwisdiyam rent | gyiik buy | g̱aliis transfer | g̱a̱dziks pour down/downpour/splash/sale/ bankruptcy | g̱a̱l= empty/container for | g̱a̱ldm= receptacle for | g̱a̱lgwe'eł empty sack | g̱a̱liimks throw away | g̱a̱lmwa'at store | hanwaay pay tribute | hasa̱x want | k'aa'lgm gwaask borrow without asking | k'aa'lk steal | k'aa'lmx steal for | kłg̱ooy pay | ksi sityaawt trade | ks'ne'exk claim something | labaal pay back a debt | labaalsk return | la̱guulgit burnt possessions of a dead person | ludit'aa owe | lunigyiisn swap | lusityaawt trade | nagwaask repayment of a loan | 'ndap boundary line | sg̱aals purchase | silmye'en return | silm da̱'a̱xk able again/revive | silm gaa take back | silm kłg̱ooy pay back | sityaaw exchange | txagyigyiik buy by the case | txak'yilam give it all | txoo pay | ts'awsk rob | ts'a'wiłrob | waalt own | 'waask come upon/find | 'waay find intentionally reach/find/meet | xdiyaaw receive a burial payment | xk'eeył give away | xlaguulk'a claim for remembrance | xlu'an'on receive burial payment | xłg̱ooy pay for | xłg̱ooytk paid for | xmas memorial feast | xmaalka̱sk keepsake - possessions of a dead person passed over the fire and given away | xwaal receive gifts at a feast | ya'ansk distribution | yaask distribute gifts | yaawk give a feast | yaaws take home something as a gift | ye'en return | ye'ensk get change/give back |